Monday, December 27, 2010

About Me

To start things off, I'll give a little info about me.  I am keeping my symptom list separate.

I've used the handle RedInDC for years on various websites.  To keep it simple for my addled brain, I've decided to continue using it.  For those who have leftover fears from the Cold War:  don't worry; Red doesn't mean communist.  Red is my favorite color.  :)

I'm a 33 year old female, obviously living in the DC Metro Area.  Like most here, I do work for the government and am also a MSgt in the Air Force Reserves (the latter of which is one of the reasons this blog is being created; the AF has spent years telling me my weight problems, etc. are my fault.  More on that later.)  Until 2 years ago, I was very much into working out and staying physically fit; in fact, I even obtained my aerobics instructor license and taught PowerPump, Boot Camp and Step aerobics for about 2 years. 

I'm an avid reader, with an insatiable lust for British and Irish mystery novels.  As a result, I tend to have a very lyrical writing style and a penchant for $0.25 words.  Please bear with me on that.  ;)
I also knit quite a bit during the colder months, sticking predominately to scarves.  I tried to knit a sweater a few years back, but the tediousness of it drove me up the wall. 

I'm normally a patient person who thrives off of stress.  Not so much anymore.

Unfortunately, I'm single.  I'm not one to lament or mope about my non-marital status or lack of beau; however, as my thyroid problems progress and my symptoms get worse, it is getting harder and harder dealing with this on my own.  Having to struggle through this without a confidant or a helping hand has, in my opinion, exacerbated a lot of my problems.  I do have my precious cat, but she can only comfort me but so much.  Forcing yourself to not cry yourself to sleep every night is very tiring, as is trying to isolate yourself (which has become my tendency as of late).

I'm not much of one for television, although I was unabashedly addicted to LOST.  I've been known to get hooked on Dancing with the Stars, but have lost interest in it lately.  The same for Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy and AFV.  I pretty much only turn the TV on for Detroit 1-8-7 now.  And, yes, I don't have cable.

I love politics and track to the right (not way far right and not center right - inbetween those two; Ronald Reagan is one of my favorites).  I will be keeping this blog politically neutral, though, and I hope everyone can do the same.

I tend to have a cynical sense of humor and try to find funny in everything.  On my better days, you'll notice that I will be funny; on the rest, you'll see anger.  I don't like pity parties, so I try to stay as far away from that mentality as possible.

That's good for now.  I'm taking a break for the evening, but will post my symptoms tomorrow.  Hopefully within the next week I'll have this thing up and running.

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