Sunday, January 23, 2011

Whoops! :)

Sorry it's been about a month since my last post, but things have been a'happenin'.

I'm FINALLY on thyroid meds (Nature-Throid) and have done an almost complete 180 degree turn from where I was just two short weeks ago.

I have lots and lots to tell still, but I am going for my first bit of advice:

If you suspect you have a thyroid problem, but your blood work is "normal", see if you can get your doctor to schedule you a thyroid ultrasound.  That's exactly where I started the Monday after Thanksgiving.  Here it is less than two months later and I'm on the road to recovery.  :)

Yes, I do have nodules in my thyroid, and I knew I did because they were bothering me (still are, actually) I did have a reason for asking for it ("I always feel like I'm gagging!").  But from what I'm starting to realize, almost all persons who have the "normal" blood work problem with hypothyroid symptoms will most likely always have thyroid nodules.  I can't prove it yet and I'm not a doctor, so don't go running to your doctor and quoting this as the reason; just take this as a possible route you can use if you're having trouble getting a diagnosis.

Next up:  the ridiculousness of getting thyroid problems diagnosed.  There is a lot of information out there on this, but there is a lot of varying information and none of it in the same place.  I'm going to consolidate the stuff I think is relevant and point out a few things I'm not too fond of (as in, what appears to be unreasonable research and information put out by doctors and associations that believe only in blood work).


  1. Read the new book "Stop the Thyroid Madness, II" I wrote on NDT in Chapter 3. Also see

